School drop-off rant
This is the last week of school and so you would think that having a whole school year to get the "rules" down would have every parent doing what they are supposed to be doing as far as dropping thier little ones off at school. NOT! It is quite easy; you drive into the school, where there is a "loop" of sorts. This circle loops in front of the main entrance to the school and it has an "island" in the middle. The rule is to pull into the circle counterclockwise and pull up as far as you can go, or as far as the car in front of you and drop your child off, making sure you pull as far into the loop as possible so that the whole line of cars behind you can get into this circle and drop their kids off as well. Sounds easy right? Well I guess with some of these parents it is not that easy. Most every day it takes the principal out there directing traffic, motioning vigorously for each driver to PULL FORWARD as to let as many cars get to the curb in the circle to drop their little darlings off. Most days he is there and most parents obey his hand signals and pull forward. WELL...the days the principal is not out there for whatever reason, you have these parents, most, but not all of them, in expensive SUVS or Mercedes, pulling their cars into the loop and stopping smack-dab in front of the entrance so that their child does not have to walk those extra 10 steps to the front door! They pay NO attention to us behind them, either that or they don't care that they are making us wait in the line of cars. Not only do they stop and take their time, chatting with their child in the backseat, but sometimes they get out, go around and open the door, let out little Susie or Johnny, kiss them goodbye, turn, wave, then mosey on back around to get back into their car, all the while, we wait and wait for them to move their car so that we too can drop off our children. What is wrong with these parents???!!! Are they so arrogant that they can't show common courtesy to the other drivers behind them? Don't they know the "rules" of drop off at the school by now?? Just a few days ago, a car was stopped in the very middle of the loop, in front of the entrance, and there is a car behind that one and so it is my turn to pull forward. I pull as close to the car in front of me as to let as many cars behind me pull in as well. My two youngest boys get out and head off to their class. I patiently wait for the car in front of me to start moving and then I notice that the car in front of her is empty! Well, I can't back up because there are cars behind me. We are all packed in, not being able to move and so therefore not able to let cars behind us drop off their kids. I was FUMING. Just then I see the culprit of the empty car, some well dressed lady who apparently doesn't give a rats ass who she makes wait. I had had just about enough of these parents. So, I bring my window down and I scream at her, "YOU CAN'T LEAVE YOUR CAR THERE! YOU NEED TO PULL FORWARD!!" She looks at me, shrugs and gets into her car. I tell you what...if I wasn't still in my pajamas, I would have been out of my car and in that woman's face so fast. Arrogance! So, if anyone from Woodmoor Elementary School ever reads this blog, you know who you are and you should be ashamed.
You Rock!! I wish I had the guts to yell at someone out my window!! You're my idol... :0)
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