Deeders Blog

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Anna Nicole Smith, Donald Trump, and other celebrity rants.

Is America still at war? Are our troops still getting killed every day? Well, you wouldn't know it from watching the news. Instead, every news channel I switch to, Anna Nicole Smith's picture is all I see. Her and her "so-called" boyfriend-fake husband, Howard K. Stern. I'm sick of it. Yes, it is sad that she died and very sad her son died, but why does this have to be constant news to us on a daily basis when we are a country still at war and our troops are dying every day?? In order to stay updated on what is happening in the world and with the war, I have to read that damn ticker that speeds by on the bottom of the screen, all the while Anna Nicole's court proceeding is carrying on the full screen of the tv. I admit, today while flipping from one news station to the other, I got caught up in the proceeding. Howard K. Stern was on the witness stand trying to vie for the body of Anna Nicole to bury her in the Bahamas, where apparently her son is buried; while the camera would go from him to the judge to the attorneys to the mother, then back again. And this judge! Well, he would make Judge Ito from the OJ Simpson case, look good! To me, this judge loves his 15 minutes of fame. Loves to be on TV. It seems to me he is dragging out these proceedings so he can drag out his 15 famous minutes. Shouldn't this be a no brainer? Before Anna Nicole died, she buried her son in the Bahamas and then proceeded to buy a plot next to his for her own body to be buried next to him. Case, then, should be CLOSED. That was her intent so why drag this on? AND when it comes to the paternity of this poor baby, just simply order DNA from the 6 men or more who keep coming forward claiming to be the father, and again case closed! Why does it seem so easy to me? It all comes down to this judge that loves the spotlight. And so all the while our troops are fighting a war that shouldn't have happened, we have to endure watching this circus instead. Bury her in the Bahamas, where she will be next to her son, and get paternity tests. Then maybe finally we don't have to see the same footage over and over of Anna Nicole Smith embarrassing herself on national television.

But the only good that came out of the media going on and on about this Smith case was that it finally took the publicity away from Donald Trump. I think if I had to see his ugly-haired mug on tv, complaining about Rosie O'Donnell one more time, I would scream. He acted like a spoiled child and I was mad that the media kept giving him an outlet to do his pouting. So, Rosie made a comment about his morals....big deal. I agree with her. Who made him, as Rosie put it, the "moral compass"? And so with that he had to try and get back at her by insulting her looks, her weight, everything else he could come up with. At first I thought, "Ok..he is mad...he needs to have his word". but his word kept turning into a tirade and after awhile he just looked more and more rediculous and frankly, I was embarrassed for him. Well..only for a little bit. Then I just had to laugh. Who is he to cut down anyone's looks?? My gosh, can you even imagine that man with wet hair? One side of his head would have hair that is a foot long, while the other side is 2 inches. I bet that is a comical sight. His hair is so isn't even a comb-over. it is more of a swoop and swirl with ton's of hairspray holding it in place. I'm just glad we don't see him ranting anymore on every channel. But he will probably be upset that Anna died when she did and took the spotlight away from him.

And now we have to see over and over, Brittany Spears and her bald head. What is wrong with that poor girl? Where on earth is her mother?? Why hasn't someone intervened and stepped in to help her earlier? Sad. But I think I read on the ticker while watching the Anna trial, that her family has now put her back into a re-hab. I just hope that this time she stays and gets the help she needs and I hope her mother stays in the picture. I suppose I will see more of that in the media as the days go by.

I asked my husband, Sandy, today, "did you hear another helicopter crashed in Iraq yesterday with 6 soldiers killed on it?" he said, no, he hadn't heard. Well, it figures he didn't "hear" about it because unless he was watching the Anna trial and READING the ticker at the bottom, he wouldn't have known. I think that the media is confused on what it important. Obviously, they think celebrity fueds and deaths and nervous breakdowns should be more important than our men and women fighting in Iraq. Sad....but true.


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