Deeders Blog

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Sunday, January 03, 2010


Ok, so here we are at day 3 of January 2010 and no, I have not started any kind of diet. I need to get myself psyched up AND get all the crap that is in the house eaten up! I have decided that this year, I am going to worry about Me, Myself and I. I'm tired of putting some of the blame on my husband, even though he is to blame in some respects. He makes a fattening, wonderful meal and I eat it. Not anymore. From now on , if he wants to make a fattening meal for he and the kids, then have at it, but I will make me something else; whether or not he gets offended or upset that he worked so hard in the kitchen just to have me not eat his wonderfully prepared food. NO. I must have willpower. He doesn't like it that I am fat, yet he does nothing to help me lose it. Well, enough of throwing blame at him. It is ME who must be strong, and strong I will be. As promised (to myself mainly, but also to anyone out there in the black internet hole) I will record my diet each day in my blog journal. I just have to start dieting first. It'c's coming.


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